is the only thing I wish to do. It does not necessarily require crossing country-borders..

Samstag, 11. Februar 2012

Tribute to my Swedish family and friends!

Four years in which so many different things had happened.. Things that made us laugh, made us cry, made us wonder about life and then again that made us believe in friendship. I can say that I have found my second home in Halmstad/Malmö where you are!

The last 2 years were dominated by almost regularly installed visits in February and during summer... This year I am so sad that the first visit will have to be canceled thanks to my teachers' training... no time to breathe! However, I clearly remember the last 2 years when Inka and me came up, no matter how awful the weather could turn out to be, and we had the most amazing time together! This entry is a tribute to all of you!
Jag älskar er alla!
Pussar, Filiz

1 Kommentar:

Caroline hat gesagt…

Filiz, i love and miss you like crazy!
This made me so happy, cried a bit i must say.
See you in the spring and sommer i hope <3 puss babe