It's sometimes strange how much you can enjoy somebody's company without even knowing why and how it became like that. There is no explanation, no recipe where you can find the ingredients to succeed in gaining a “well-cooked and delicious” friendship, both tasty and nutritious for your soul. I f you receive the “whole package”- a friend you can talk to, remain in silence with, enjoy silliness, make stupid jokes with and laugh more than you actually moan, in whose presence you can be relaxed and doubtless- then you may reckon that this friend takes you the way you are. There is no awkward cant or strange manipulation going on, just to make somebody believe that you like the other person. You are liked in every single situation that you share, even if you don't share the same views or attitudes, because this is human. You don't need to explain or defend yourself all the time because your opposite may understand you anyway. Even without spoken words. You can hear the thoughts, as an echo in your mind. If something like this happens to you, you shouldn't wonder for too long, or even start to doubt and question it. It needs to be considered as a special thing which is precious in its existence. As many people lack of understanding that it mustn't be a threat they miss out on appreciating it the way they should. Of course, people from the outside will refuse to understand and get the connection, furthermore they might start to misinterpret or judge it. Criticism is the human being's best companion, and there are many aspects to be found in something special. Jealousy and arrogance combined will lead to ignorance and as they try to make your life harder, it is absolutely necessary to clear out limits. Don't wonder if it is all a fake or a fading image, just dive into it and feel. Because relationships- no matter of what kind- are there to be felt. We all think so much, on and on, without stopping, that we sometimes tend to destroy the ability to first feel and deduce the thoughts afterwards. Humans are more likely to damage emotions than to create them, sympathy, affection, trust or love, because as soon as they occur- first of all they will be analyzed and examined. Some of them cannot take that human ignorance and will fade away, slip through your fingers like wet soap.
As far as I can tell, right here and right now, I appreciate what I have and even though I wondered what it was all about in the first moment, I now came through to see, that I am lucky. Things can be different from what you know and as long as it feels good and doesn't absorb your energy, you should- as we say in poetry- hold it with both hands. I haven't known too many persons, or at least they don't talk about it, who had the opportunity to meet somebody whose friendship seemed to have been there for a longer time than it actually was. Restrictions and rules are good to lead and guide you but sometimes they erase the natural manner of “things” which cannot be labeled. And those who always rely on their minds, and never on their souls, will miss out on many experiences in their lives. I am convinced of the matter that there is something else in life than rule-obedience and mainstream-thoughts and I always felt out of place and weird. From the outside you can't tell who will be the right one to talk to. Often it is the look on your face, the expression in your eyes which link you to each other.
Therefore, and for the matters of a happy life, we have to follow our hearts, and even if I have heard that sentence a million times before, I now know that it has a personal meaning to me: Friends are like stars, they are always there, even if you cannot see them all the time. Even before you have known them.
And hopefully, after that time here, we will see each other again and still be connected.
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