I love you even more than words can say, I have loved you before I had even known you. Before the day you had been born.
You are my second half, our hearts are beating in the same rhythm, our eyes follow the same patterns, our minds form the same ideas. All that has been proved to be evidence throughout the last years. From the day you were born, I always wanted to protect you from all the evil and bad. Without thinking about it, I felt it was my task to keep you safe. I am sorry that I couldn't always manage to. I tried so hard that I couldn't face the difference between things lying within my power and those which are impossible to be kept away from us. So many things have happened during the last 9 years that I sometimes wonder how we managed to keep on. The answer is as simple and as complex as we are: we had each other.
Nobody else will ever know, understand or appreciate our relationship as much as we do. You are the one I can always talk to, the one who will never fail to comfort me, because it is your mere presence that provides me with the impression that everything will turn out fine in the end. The pure belief in our love can be described as what made me survive. And you possibly know that. I would give my life for you as without you, there would be no life for me. You are my soul mate and my best friend, my steady companion, wherever I am, I carry you along with me. When I see your face, it is as if I had never looked anywhere else. They are my home.
I will be there whenever you need me, do whatever I can, love you until the end of our lives.
Forever yours, happy birthday and I love you "bis zum Mond und zurück".

Your sister.

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